We generated mice that express an autoimmune-driving isoform of the Foxp3 gene without the second coding exon of the gene (called Foxp3 ΔExon2 mice).
Foxp3ΔExon2-expressing mice have higher titers of IgE that target skin autoantigens. In this study, we are investigating whether these IgE autoantibodies mediate photosensitivity reactions after exposure to low-dose Ultraviolet B light.
Additional Research Projects
Discover more research projects from the
Ziegler Lab.

Regulation of Humoral Immunity by Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin
Cell-intrinic regulation of germinal centers by Thymic Stromal Lymphopoetin Receptor (TSLPR) signaling

The role of TSLP and IL-33 in tissue homeostasis and inflammation
The Ziegler lab is investigating how TLSP and IL-33 signaling at adventitial sites in the lungs and skin maintain tissue immune homeostasis and regulate inflammation and tissue repair.

The Role of TSLPR+St2+ Tregs in colorectal cancer
Diagnosis and therapy for colorectal cancer targeting a novel subset of Tregs.