Genomics Core
The Genomics Core provides resources to BRI and external investigators for genomics analysis, from sample processing through data generation, as well as basic bioinformatics analysis, provided by our Bioinformatics Group.
Currently available technologies focus on Illumina RNA and DNA sequencing from purified nucleic acid, sorted cell populations, or single cells. RNA-seq is used primarily for whole transcriptome profiling and can be performed from a variety of sample types, including purified total RNA, cell populations (including low input samples of 50-1000 cells), or single cells (both plate-sorted rare populations and high-throughput single-cell analyses). DNA-seq pipelines can also be performed, including bulk and single cell CUT&Tag/CUT&RUN, ATAC-seq, whole exome, and whole genome.
The Core laboratory houses two Illumina sequencers, a NextSeq2000 and a Miseq. The NextSeq2000 uses patterned flowcell technology and offers three flowcell sizes —100M reads, 500M reads and 1300M reads — each available in several run lengths. The MiSeq has a variety of flowcells sizes, from 1M to 25M reads.
Additionally, the Core offers single cell sequencing, using either a 10x Genomics Chromium X or a Chromium Controller, for high throughput single cell capture and processing. Other available equipment includes an Agilent TapeStation 4200 (to measure RNA/DNA integrity and size) and a Tecan NanoQuant (for high throughput sample quantitation). Ancillary equipment for sample processing includes a Formulatrix Mantis Liquid Handler, a Qiagen QIAgility (also a liquid handling robot), a ThermoFisher Kingfisher Flex, which extracts nucleic acid from a variety of samples, using magnetic bead technology, with a throughput of up to 96 samples and two Qiagen QIAcube Connect instruments, which automate extraction of nucleic acid using spin column technology.
Genomics Core Staff

Quynh-Anh Nguyen

Kimberly O'Brien

Greg Thiessen

Jeffry Yaplee

Illumina NextSeq 2000

Illumina MiSeq

10x Chromium X

Agilent Tapestation 4200

Formulatrix Mantis

ThermoFisher KingFisher Flex

Qiagen QIAcube Connect

BRI External Core Labs
BRI’s core laboratories are home to some of the most advanced scientific technologies available. These tools fuel breakthroughs in the lab and lead to advances in patient care. All BRI scientists, as well as scientists from outside of BRI, can access our core labs. Each lab is led by a field-expert who is available to support scientists as they leverage these tools and technologies.