BRI Open House

You're invited

RSVP Today for BRI's Open House

Join us at BRI’s open house — a fun and informative event where you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about BRI and our latest research and efforts to advance the science to predict, prevent, reverse and cure diseases of the immune system, including autoimmune diseases, cancer, asthma and allergies. This event is open to everyone who has an immune system (that’s everyone!). We can’t wait to meet you, show you around, and answer your questions!

RSVP today

Event Details

  • When: Tuesday, March 25, 2025, from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
  • Location: Benaroya Research Institute
  • Address: 1201 9th Ave., Seattle WA 98126

Themed Tours

Curious to see what a lab looks like? How tissue gets prepped to be analyzed (insider tip — it's an art form, and we have the best artist!). What microscopes can take such amazing pictures? How we study a single cell? Our scientists will answer these questions and more during our tours. Space is limited, we encourage you to sign up when you RSVP.  

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Nice Genes

How does BRI study the role genes play in autoimmune disease? What does single-cell analysis really mean, and how do we make sense of all that information?
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In Reel Life

Remember when microscopes looked like this? Now, we can take movies of cells. Grab your popcorn and check it out!
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Go With the Flow Cytometry

The Flow Cytometry Core at BRI is one of the busiest labs here! Get hands on and sort some cells while learning about what the incredible technology in this lab allows our scientists to do.
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Impactful Banking

BRI's biorepositories are sometimes called bio-BANKs (get it?). At BRI, we are home to eleven biorepositories that allow our scientists to ask questions about human disease and get answers fast. This tour will show you behind the scenes and talk about how our biorepositories make BRI leaders in the human immune system.

Interactive Study Halls

Don't be shy about attending a study hall, they're meant to be fun and informative — not your typical nose in a book and silence. We'll be hosting a session on what we've learned about our work in studying the healthy immune system with an update and report on the Sound Life Project and we'll be asnwering your questions in our "ask me anthing" panel.  Sign up early!

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Aging and Autoimmunity ‒ Down Syndrome Gives a Master Class

Did you know that almost half of all people with Down syndrome also have an autoimmune disease?  Discover what we've learned about the immune system, aging and the potential impact for everyone.  

Ask Me Anything

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Our panel of researchers will be on hand to answer questions that have been submitted in advance as well as questions you have after your tours and time at BRI.  Sign up early to attend.  

Immuno-what? Hear the latest from BRI

Keep up to date on our latest research, new clinical trials and exciting publications.