We are using a series of cell-specific cre-lox systems to selectively deplete the (Thymic Stromal Lymphopoetin Receptor) TSLPR gene from mature B cells and T cells within the germinal center (GC) microenvironment to determine how TSLPR signaling in these cells impacts overall germinal center function.
In a recent publication, we showed that TSLP receptor signaling in mature B cells limits high-affinity memory B cell differentiation, whereas TSLP receptor signaling on T cells is required for antigen-specific GC B cell responses to immunization.
Moving forward, we will continue to ask how TSLPR signaling impacts the GC-derived plasma cells and memory B cells after immunization.

Additional Research Projects
Discover more research projects from the
Ziegler Lab.

Study of Foxp3ΔExon2-expressing regulatory T cells in humans and mice
Characterization of IgE-mediated photosensitivity in Foxp3ΔExon2-expressing mice

The role of TSLP and IL-33 in tissue homeostasis and inflammation
The Ziegler lab is investigating how TLSP and IL-33 signaling at adventitial sites in the lungs and skin maintain tissue immune homeostasis and regulate inflammation and tissue repair.

The Role of TSLPR+St2+ Tregs in colorectal cancer
Diagnosis and therapy for colorectal cancer targeting a novel subset of Tregs.