Biorepository: Rheumatic Disease


What is the rheumatic disease biorepository

BRI’s Rheumatic Disease Biorepository is a confidential list of people with rheumatic diseases who are willing to donate a blood sample and provide health information for scientific research. Rheumatic diseases are a group of conditions that affect the bones, joints, tendons, muscles and ligaments. BRI scientists study rheumatic diseases that affect the immune system including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and relapsing polychondritis.

Our scientists study donated samples to better understand the causes and long-term health effects of rheumatic diseases and to explore better treatment options. All of the information gathered is kept confidential, and samples and health information are coded with numbers, not names.

Participate in Rheumatic Disease Research

We are currently enrolling adults, age 18 and older, who have been diagnosed with a rheumatic disease. We have a particular interest in collecting samples from participants that are not currently taking medication and those willing to give a sample when they are having a disease flare. Our current areas of study include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)
  • Relapsing polychondritis
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
  • Scleroderma

We are also looking for family members and friends of all ages who do not have a rheumatic disease or other immune-mediated or autoimmune disease to join our healthy control biorepository.

Participating in research typically involves a 45-minute to one-hour visit to BRI in downtown Seattle. Our team will collect a blood sample and ask questions about your personal and family medical history. All samples and information are kept confidential. Learn more: Biorepository FAQ

Are you living with a rheumatic disease?

Consider donating to our biorepository to help advance research.
Jeff Carlin
Affiliate Investigator

Jeffrey Carlin, MD

View Full Bio

What Rheumatic Disease Research is BRI Conducting?

  • Examining genes, cells and molecules from people with rheumatic diseases and comparing them to those of people without these diseases to better understand how and why these diseases happen
  • Understanding if and how environmental factors like seasonal changes, or smoke exposure contribute to disease
  • Exploring ways to predict and diagnose these diseases earlier, which can lead to better outcomes
  • Identifying therapies that can better treat or even prevent rheumatic diseases

Labs Studying Rheumatic Diseases

Bettelli Lab Banner

Bettelli Lab

The main focus of the Bettelli Lab is to identify the cell types of the immune system and mechanisms, which induce and regulate the development of autoimmunity.
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Buckner Lab Banner

Buckner Lab

The Buckner Lab is focused on identifying the underlying mechanisms by which regulation of the adaptive immune response fails or is overcome in the setting of human autoimmunity. 
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Campbell Lab Banner

Campbell Lab

The Campbell laboratory is interested in understanding the basis for T cell activation, function and tolerance.
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Hamerman Lab Banner

Hamerman Lab

The lab is interested in understanding how myeloid cells contribute to both productive and pathological immune responses during infection, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases.
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James Lab Banner

James Lab

The James lab is working to develop an increasingly in depth knowledge of autoreactive T cell responses by examining the characteristics of the epitope specific cells involved in autoimmune diseases through robust multi-parameter assays and also at the single cell level.
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Kwok Research Project Banner - DNA-barcoded HLA class II tetramers

Kwok Lab

The Kwok lab uses tetramers and other antigen specific T cell assays to examine autoreactive T cells in  autoimmune diseases in order to provide insights into disease mechanisms and identify strategies for disease intervention.
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Mikacenic Lab Banner

Mikacenic Lab

The Mikacenic lab is focused on understanding how lung immune cells contribute to inflammation, repair, and fibrosis.
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Morawski Lab Banner

Morawski Lab

The Morawski lab studies the adaptive immune response occurring during human inflammatory and autoimmune diseases of the skin and other barrier tissues.
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Speake Research Project Banner - TrialNet Pathway to Prevention

Speake Lab

The Speake group is interested in advancing clinical research – especially in type 1 diabetes, but also in the context of other immune-mediated diseases.
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Featured Image - Clinical Pulmonary Chamber

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