It is clear that CD8 T cell exhaustion is detrimental in cancer and is driven by chronic antigen, inhibitory receptors, and suppressive cytokines; while blockade of inhibitory receptors and activation with IL-2 can reinvigorate exhausted cells. Whether these same factors influence CD8 T cell exhaustion in autoimmunity is not well understood. We are investigating the role of cytokines, beta cell antigens, and genetic risk alleles on CD8 T cell exhaustion in T1D and related Rheumatic autoimmune diseases.
CD8+ T cell function may predict type 1 diabetes progression
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Long Lab.

Impact of IL-2/IL-2R signaling in T1D
We are investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying reduced IL-2R singaling in effector CD4 T cells of T1D subjects.

Mechanisms of tolerance with autoimmune therapies
We use longitudinal studies to determine immune changes that correlate with disease progression and response to therapy.